Available Services

The University of Warsaw offers services to disabled employees, such as:

To get our support, please contact our Office. The best solution will be chosen based on the interview and medical records presented to the Consultant.

Allowances and working conditions

Employees with a certified disability may apply to the BON for a disability allowance.

The basis is Ordinance No. 9 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw, dated January 17, 2020, on the establishment of Remuneration Regulations at the University of Warsaw.

The BON requires registration and the original certificate of the degree of disability to be presented in order to receive the allowance. Payment applications are submitted on the 10th of the month.

The employee with a disability should provide the original certificate to the UW Office of Employee Affairs. It is necessary in order to certify the right to a 7-hour workday, the right to an additional 10 days’ leave, or the right to 21 days’ leave for rehabilitation purposes.

The legal basis for the aforementioned is the Salary Regulations at the University of Warsaw