Accessible Architecture at the University

The University of Warsaw has dozens of buildings with different levels of accessibility. A database of UW buildings with a description of their architectural accessibility and additional information is provided at the link below. You can browse the buildings by grouping or use the search engine available in the list of all buildings.

The accessibility of buildings

Database of architectural accessibility of University buildings.

The posted information has been provided by building administrators and is continuously reviewed by the BON. Please direct any comments to the Architectural Accessibility Coordinator at the BON.

TOTUPOINT voice markers

Some of the University’s buildings have been provided with the TOTUPOINT navigation and information system, which allows visually impaired people to move more easily through campus spaces and buildings. TOTUPOINT voice markers are mounted at strategic points of the area, creating a navigation and information system. A list of facilities where you can use this system can be found at the link below. To use the TOTUPOINT system, download the free app for your mobile device from the manufacturer’s website.
List of UW buildings with the TOTUPOINT system

Fulfilling accessibility needs

People with disabilities can contact the BON for additional transportation assistance, assistants, to take classes in accessible buildings, or to take advantage of many other forms of individually tailored support.