The University of Warsaw’s policy towards people with disabilities is an implementation of the current Polish law.
Legal acts governing our activities:
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol ratified by Poland and now is a parent act.
- Higher Education Act
- Act on vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.
Regulations of the University
The University internal regulations specifying support for people with disabilities:
- Rector’s Ordinance on providing accessibility to persons with special needs at the University of Warsaw
- Rector’s Ordinance on forms of support for students and PhD students with disabilities or chronic conditions at the University of Warsaw
- Rector’s Ordinance on the studying conditions for persons with disabilities at the University of Warsaw
- Resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw on the studying conditions for persons with disabilities at the University of Warsaw
- Ordinance No. 1 of the University of Warsaw Chancellor on the emergency procedures in the facilities and on the premises of the University of Warsaw.
Subsequent changes – Ordinance of the University of Warsaw Chancellor on the on changes of the Ordinance No. 1 of the Chancellor of the University of Warsaw on emergency procedures in the facilities and on the premises of the University of Warsaw.
Other University legal acts that regulate the activities of the Office for Persons with Disabilities:
- Order No. 46 of March 19, 2021 on amending Order No. 100 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of September 25, 2019 on the Organizational Regulations of the University of Warsaw.
- Order No. 143 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated October 1, 2019. On the Rules and Regulations of Work at the University of Warsaw
- Order No. 142 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated October 1, 2019. Concerning the introduction of the Regulations of benefits for students of the University of Warsaw
- Resolution No. 443 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated June 26, 2019. Concerning the adoption of the Statute of the University of Warsaw
- Resolution no. 441 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw dated June 19, 2019. Concerning the adoption of the Rules and Regulations for Studies at the University of Warsaw
- Resolution no. 44 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of December 12, 2012.Concerning additional material disability benefit for employees of the University of Warsaw
- Regulations on the use of transportation services of the University of Warsaw provided to persons with disabilities