Apply for adjustment of the examination/credit form User Login Name *required Check theTerms of online applications to OPD – opens in new tab. before filling in the application. Fill in the form. The form will be sent to OPD Consultants. NOTICE. Fields marked with (*) are required and cannot be empty. Adjustment prerequisites Do you have an Individual Organisation of Studies (IOS) with the need to adapt the exams recommendations? NOYES Enter the academic year for which you have been granted the right to Individual Organization of Studies: Enter only the year of commencement - for example, for the 2022/2023 academic year, enter: 2022. OK. – ✔ Enter a valid date. First, fill out an application for Individual Organization of Studies (IOS)! Exam adaptation is part of Individual Organization of Studies (IOS). Approval for such arrangements must be given by the Head of the Teaching Unit (KJD). Learn more about Individual Organization of Studies.. Personal details Last name*required First Name*required Email address*required IMPORTANT! Enter address registered in the USOSweb system and used during your registration to OPD. Student record book number/student number*required Examination/credit details Examination/credit form*required oralwrittenonline Which online platform:—Please choose an option—Kampus-EgzaminyMoodleOther Name of online platform: Full course name * Name and surname of the person conducting the examination/credit* Email address of the person conducting the examination/credit* Examination/credit Date* OK. – ✔ Attention! You are applying less than 7 days from the date of the exam/assessment. We cannot guarantee the adaptation within this time limit. Examination/credit start time*required format gg:mm Examination/credit place*required Enter address with building designation and room no. Examination/credit type*requiredie. test with open-/closed-ended questions, descriptive, other. Please describe. Examination/credit changes request Extending the examination time by percent valuenie dotyczy25%50% Examination/credit in electronic form with the possibility to write using a computer with special software/hardware: screen readingmagnifyingfor dyslecticother Specify software/hardware: ie. Balabolka Other modification : Please enter additional comments or extend answers above. Confirm the registration terms * I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data, including, but not limited to the special categories of personal data as defined by Article 9(1) of the GDPR by the University of Warsaw, with its registered office at ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, for the purpose of providing aid by the Office for Persons with Disabilities related to ensuring conditions that would allow full participation in the university admission process for persons with disabilities in order to pursue education (including attending studies according to the individual study organization), education and research activity. * I have read and I'm accepting the Terms of online applications to OPD Notice. The "send" button will not activate if you don't accept the terms displayed above. Form date Verification code:clear entered code×Get the new code Send Form