Apply for the aid of the Office Check theTerms of online applications to OPD – opens in new tab. before filling in the application. Fill in the registration form. The form data will be sent to OPD Consultants. NOTICE. Fields marked with (*) are required and cannot be empty. Personal details Last name* First Name* PESEL ID* PESEL ID Im foreign student Check if you do noyt have a PESEL ID Phone* Email address* IMPORTANT! Enter address registered in the USOSweb system. Confirm emeil* Information regarding studies Student record book number/student number* Year of studies, program and faculty* Makx 1000 characters. for persons studying more than one program, please indicate all the programs Characters count 0. Level of education*wymagane (please check the appropriate type of studies): first cycle degree programssecond cycle degree programsintegrated master’s degreethird cycle degree programs/PhD Schoolpost-graduate studies Form of studies*required full-time studiespart-time studies (extramural)part-time studies (evening)not applicable Information on disability or disease Disability level*wymagane please indicate the relevant disability status declared by a medical committee significantmoderatemildno status declared Special diseases [*] explanation please check appropriate, if applicable Parkinson’s diseasemultiple sclerosisparaplegia, tetraplegia, hemiplegiaserious vision impairment (blindness) and vision impairmentdeafness and hearing or speech impairmentHIV and AIDS carrierepilepsychronic mental illnessmental retardationmyasthenia gravislate diabetes mellitus complications Please upload documentation on special disease. Accepted file formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx. Max file size - 4mb, Max files to upload - 6 Description of health problems Max1000 characters. Characters count: 0. Difficulties in studying Max1000 characters. please describe the difficulties appearing during the studies that urged you to seek aid from the OPD and/or difficulties related to the process of learning during your previous education Characters count 0. Type of the aid expected Max 1000 characters. If you have trouble determining the type of aid, please contact the student affairs consultant Notice! We do not consider this information as a request. To get specific aid or borrow an equipment please fill required application AFTER sending this form.opens in new tab Character count: 0. Confirm your registration terms * I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data, including, but not limited to the special categories of personal data as defined by Article 9(1) of the GDPR by the University of Warsaw, with its registered office at ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, for the purpose of providing aid by the Office for Persons with Disabilities related to ensuring conditions that would allow full participation in the university admission process for persons with disabilities in order to pursue education (including attending studies according to the individual study organization), education and research activity. * I have read and I'm accepting the Terms of online applications to OPD Notice. The "send" button will not activate if you don't accept the terms displayed above. [*]as mentioned under the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Work of 18 September 1998 on types of diseases justifying a decrease in the employment quota for persons with disabilities and the manner of decreasing it (Polish Journal of Laws of 1998, No. 124, item 820).